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Ghost Investigation Equipment

Log book : The most important item that you must carry at all times.
Several pens and pencils: It is very important to carry several of each since they can be misplaced or broken.
Two flashlights: Carry both with you at all time. You do not want to be in the dark during an investigation.
Red tape: Red cellophane tape over or under the lens help save your night vision on investigations. It is less distracting to other investigators and eliminate the chances of flashlight caused anomalies in photos.
Candles and matches: Batteries are drained during an investigation, so be prepared. Do not be caught in the dark. CAUTION: Be careful using the candles around motion detectors, they will set them off.
Watch: You will need a watch to document times such as start and end of investigation and times of any activity.
A stop watch is very handy in recording duration of activity.
Several cameras:  Take more than one or two cameras. Cameras do tend to malfuncion and a back up will be needed. 35 mm  and Digital cameras are the most popular choices. Digital cameras are becoming more popular since results are immediate. Many people like to use polariod cameras. Inexpensive disposable cameras are also an options.
Film: You will need a lot of film. 400 speed is the best. Take as many photo's as you can. Even if you think no activity is happening, take photo's!
Lens cleaning wipes without solvents: You need to clean off lens during your investigation to avoid any contaminated photos. Clean lenses on all equipment. Do not use paper products!
Several rolls of film: Take as many photos as possible during your investigation. 400 speed is best.
Extra power packs, batteries, and flash or digital memory cards and extension cords: These are constantly being drained during an investigation. Make sure to  check your equipment during the investigation.

Celluar phone: In the event of an emergency
2 way communication device: To communicate with team members. Hand held radios or inexpensive walkie talkies.

A extra set of clothing and blankets
Food and water
First aid kit
List of emergency numbers to police and fire department
Pepperspray: For your protection. It is not the ghost that are a threat. It is people that may be in the area.
Measuring tape: Use to get accurate reading of distance.
Small tool kit: Screwdrivers, pliers and adjustable wrench. Helps to change batteries and any quick repairs to equipment.
Compass: Used to detect odd magnetic fields. It is also helpful if you or a team member gets lost.
Barometer: Pressure will rise with paranormal activity.
Video camera: To record any activity. Many times activity not noticed or photographed during an investigation will be noticed when veiwing tape.

Night vision scopes: Night vision adapters are available for cameras and camcorders. Binoculars are also an option.
Tripod: A tripod is needed to for your video camera, digital camera, and 35mm cameras. These will keep your pictures steady.
Audio recorder: To record EVP's. Make sure recorder has an external mic. Take a back up recorder in case of malfunction. Use high grade tapes.
Thermometer or thermal scan: Use to detect cold spots.
EMF: USed to detect eletromagnetic fields. Please be aware of the sourrounding area. power lines, electrical line, major appliances and electronics will give off readins. Know about these before investigation.

Motion detectors: used to sense movements. You can find inexpensive battery operated ones for around 20 dollars.

Air ion counter: Expensive equipment. Used to read positive and negative ions in the area. Paranormal activity will give a high positive ion count.
Tissue paper: Tissue paper can be used in room that have no drafts to detect paranormal activity by suspending tissue.
String: String can be placed in doorway. Ghost have been known to break string from movement.
Chalk: Used to document movement, mark evidence, and mark spots already investigated. Make sure to remove marks after your investigation.